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On the material for next update  XML
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Joined: 05/09/2008 00:24:51
Messages: 13

Hello Dragoniade, and congrats for keeping this bigger-and-better-than-ever redesign of the site running for over a year now (and nearly 11 years in total).
I don't know the criteria of selecting material for the monthly update, but I wonder if I could make a request for the upcoming one--could you feature clips from some of the more obscure Canadian cartoons that you've logged, from shows like Mischief City and so on? I ask this because one of the things I appreciate most about your work is that you take notice of and record shows that many of us have never heard of and would never see without your efforts. Thanks very much!
Ancient Wyrm

Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil

The main criteria is what is easier to do for me to process. Like file that are already input or are easy to work with.
Sometime, like this update, I pick show to finish a section. The Y show is nearly full with that last 2 shows updated.

I can take suggestion too, but I don't get many of them. I heard from Mischief City but I don't have any clips made from it. Mostly because I don't record the show on the PVR. If the show does have some good TF, I may add it to my PVR schedule and have a look.

There's still a lot of clips and shows that aren't displayed on the site, but that I have captured. I just have to go through them first. But it's time, and motivation, that I lack for it.
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