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Messages posted by: morwalugi
Forum Index » Profile for morwalugi » Messages posted by morwalugi
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Contains minor transformations near the end.

Also referces the Alien movie

Far more importantly it references
-Moses leading his people to the Promised Land

-the Gulf War I video game mentality controversy
Might as well apply the Conservor Method to art creation
not to mention everything else

A 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of photo copy paper folded in half and scanned
in at 75 dpi yields a image roughly 640 x 480 dpi.Thus in a video editor
set to produce a 640 x 480 video clip theres no need to
alter the electronic any further.

If you're saving paper matter in large envelopes,save the ones
you get in the mail from business's and reuse them rather then going to
Staples and spending 10 - 25 cents on a new 9 x 12 envelopes.

If you're photocopying the art for personal use,get on the mailing list
of Notices to Mariners and request a paper version.The paper version
has about 1/3 of the 50 or so sheets being printed on one side,leaving the
other side for reuse.And the sheets work well in a HP 2020 AiO.At about
$5 for a 500 pack of copy paper,that'll save 10-20 cents.And the Notices
were free last time I looked.

If you have a stack of old postage that wasn't date stamped and hence is still
useable sans glue,a bit of flour,salt and water make a reasonable glue paste.

Assuming postal rules haven't changed,it used to be the policy
of Canada Post to send tax returns ontp Revenue Canada regardless
of whether it had correct or any postage on it.

And if you want to send your art to your Member of Parliament
the letters are postage free.
(and for people complaining no ones making their kind of art,may I
suggest the following layout?
OP probably should have offered a explanation for why
no ones doing that type of art and why we should give
a damn about possible solutions to the percieved problem.

Why are artists only doing shitty versions of the
Turner-Goya 1811 masterpiece
"Lambe and Percy Feeding Their Flock"

As we all know in 1810 Turner braved the
British blockade and Napoleonic forces so he
could meet Goya in Madrid with a proposal.
"Hey Frank,How'd ya like to team up with me
to do a painting?"

"Oh Yeah,bring it on "said Goya and the two
artists high 5'd it and decided to do the scene
where Reverend Lambe ,his daughter Philadephia
and Bishop Percy discover the "Laidly Worm o
Spindleston Haughs " ancient scrolls in a blocked
up cave where they'd been hidden 9 centuries
earlier along a rocky promotory overlooking
Eyemouth Harbour.

So the two artists pulled off their jackets,rolled
up their sleeves and got to work on this 9foot by
33 foot masterpiece of the ages.

Naturally word got around to the other artists and its
rumoured the French guy who did
"The Assassination of Robspierre " got a special
escort from the Emperor himself to lend a helping
hand to the other two.

There were the usual duels,fist fights,boozing into
the night as they struggled to bring the Percy Lambe
to perfection,but in the end it was done

Philadephia is seen crawling out of the cave,the scrolls
held forth to her eager dad,whilst behind Lambe stands
Percy,robes fluttering in the sea winds whilst holding
onto that hats of his so it doesn't blow away.Down below
we see the village of Eyemouth,with a small scene of
Lambe holding the scrolls aloft in a "I have returned"
pose surrounded by the grateful smugglers and
privateers(who need the tourists) and the Sun shines
gently upon the village like Gods own blessing.

So reasons modern artists don't do the Percy Lambe
right anymore

-they're a bit clueless on the Percy Lambe and its
depicted historical event?

-it would cost a fortune to reproduce it on the internet?

-they no longer possess the skills the old tymers had?

-they're waiting for the up front $1,000 downpayment on the
$100,000 commission fee?

Reasons people should give a damn

-the George Bush Iraq War Memorial fund is offering $10,000
grants to ex soldiers who do art in the "Tradition'

--The Afghan Womens Benevolence Society is doing a major
Hollywood blockbuster on Turner,Goya and the Percy Lambe.

-plenty of cross marketing /promotional potential

Solutions to possible problems modern artists might have in
doing a good job.

Problem 1
Solution 1

Problem 2
Solution 2

Problem 3
Solution 3

Any other solutions?
( And onto less economic or successful marketing matters

Hokey Wolf's "Poached Yeggs" episode first premiered
on August 25 1961.

Cross Linkage trivia
The Flinstones first premiered in September 1960
and Daws Butler voiced Barney Rubble/Dino
When Hokey Wolf came out in December 1960 Hokey Wolf was
played by Daws Butler.

My guess would be that Daws Butler voiced the dragon in
Poaached Yeggs,and that the dragon drawings are in fact a modified
Flinstones Dino.)

Its been a awful long time since I've drawn S&D charts,so I'm sure there
are errors in these.

I assumed 2005-Contest 1,2009-Contest 2 however we all known that from Oct 2008
the global banking crisis hit home dramatically,so the 2005 charts
could just as easily be dated June 2008.

Impression I have is that tf artists are reluctant to drop the supply
line,(probably because they have alternative sources of income such as
teaching art at college)
except for a few $1 commissions on Transfur.So probably the
all important line is that demand line.Basically its either shifted
down along its entire length( no $$ in a commissioner-patrons pocket no matter
what suppliers offer the 'tf widget' for
theres a change in consumer tastes,where the elasticity of demand changed
and the demand line angled downwards (rich consumers buy wall ready art,
poor consumers buy tf widgets.

I'm inclined to think the economic model for the tf community goes something like this

Stage 1
the professional artist and the commissioner-patron

The final consumer-the commissioner patrons(demand line)
the professional artist( the supply line)

From what I gather most professional artists don't actually make a living at their
art but at adjacent professions,teaching art at the local college for eg.
So our art teacher sees commissioner-patrons waving $20,s and $50's and
enters the tf community and supplies the product.The money dries up and the
artist goes back to teaching art school.

Stage 2
places like this and the professional artist

Professional tf artists (demand line)
the Service Provider(supply line)

the professional artist,in order to get the commission from the
commissioner-patron,comes to places like this to do the research for the job.
Whether they pay/donate for the Service Providers service ulimately boils down
to the state of health of the commissioner-patron.If Joe Blow puts
his $50 back in the wallet the non-event will work its way down the chain.
Joe Blows gone,the artist goes back to teaching art school and the Service
Provider is offering a research service no longer required.

I'm not going to work out how contests fit into that
stage1/stage 2 model,but I'd guess for contests time=money
and that professional artists(now the demand line) where you
are the supplier of 'contest widgets'(the supply line) saw a major
downward shift in the available quantity of time they have
available to 'spend'
which would have the same effect on a S&D chart as getting rid of all
the $ in the commissioner-patrons wallets.

Main point being the demand line has shifted for tf widgets in a very real world way
for all the various stages of S&D charts involved in the economic model.
Less $,less time,less everything.Essentially you'd need to get commissioner-patrons
primed up with $20's and $50's again to reprime the pump.
And to round off the provenance on this one.

Mother of the final video

Basically abandoned because the excuse for the tf was a bit corny
and I don't go for one-off fanfictions.

Father of the final video

This ones the most direct parent of the final video,providing the tf clip,the
other images and the cloak and dagger impetus.However I didn't think my two
grandparents would have approved of their characters tf'g on screen,nor whizzing
about in space.Hence abandoned.
I suppose I might as well provide a quick provenance on this one.

October 2001 "Dragon Warp" on Animal Transformation Archive
2002 "Lady and the Rum Runner" (Basically 2 of my grandparents(RIP) having adventures)
2002-early2004 1000 drawings of "Draconic Real Lifes"( Art Spiegelmanns "Maus" inspired family history)
2005 "Laura and the Starliner" ( Dragon Warp 2 )
January 2009 series of proto "Dragon Warp 3" videos working out plots,settings,technologies,characterizations

"Its 1935 and fascist Prince Aragon
(Danny Phantom) rules Teutonia whilst in Dragon Canada
unemployed dragons can't afford to buy magical tobacco pipes
and Professor Puffs prototype Starliner is sabatoged by a
anarchist group called the Hooded Hawk."


Anyways if this one meets the parameters you can enter it in your contest.
90% of the clips that have been uploaded or 90% of the rest?
As much as I'd love to create quality videos Youtube experience
has shown me its not worth wearing out the capital equipment to
do so.Hence I generally just use a digital camera with 800 x 600
resolution to photograph about 4 storyboards per episode.(takes
about one minute with the camera and about 15-30 minutes if I use the
aging 7 year old scanner)

Obviously the
number of eyeballs and commentary will drop of the cliff but the
only other sure way to nail eyeballs on Youtube is to 'pimp' the
creation by using a juicy come on in the text blurb that accompanies
the upload.

These days with a World Great Depression 2 a very real possibility
I think people will have to apply more economic thinking to their
creaticity.Being popular in the furry/tf community is nice but ultimately
won't put food on the table or provide a warm fuzzy feeling.

(The story
Earth mid 20th century never developed electrical or electronic
devices.Basically gritty Victorian London parked in the 20th
century.The aliens really needed to talk to the Earthling and commandeered
Humphrey Bogarts trash hauling starship to make the run.Just before
the final approach the rebels snuck aboard and sabatoged the ship.
Humphrey managed to get the 'African Queen" down but the rebels
than proceeded to mess up 'First Contact' with the Earthlings.The tf
component is called the Squavo,a Gollem phantom snakes inhabit to
meander about in the flesh and blood dimension.(bodyswap
rather then a actual tf of the host.)
(and quick notes on the Danny Phantom dragon tf clips
the voice actor who did the Sam Mason's father also does the Dragon
Prisoners of Love and Parental Bonding reversion tf at beginning use the same cels,but in reverse order
There is order to the appearances of the dragon ghost
Parental Bonding Prisoners of Love,Beauty Marked,The Ghost King episode
and one with that 50's nerd
Basically theres a sub arc plotline in the bigger overall story arc that connects all the episodes with the
dragon ghost in them
Butch Hartmann did not just sprinkle in random appearances of the dragon ghost)
Basically done from the POV of Princess Dorothea Aragon
as the narrator,knowing full well when she gets angry she turns
into a big blue flamebreather,which would give the word
'cremation' a spin Robert W Service couldn't have envisaged for his
unnamed narrator


There are strange things done in the midnight sun
By the men who moil for gold;
The Arctic trails have their secret tales
That would make your blood run cold;
The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,
But the queerest they ever did see
Was that night on the marge of Lake Lebarge
I cremated Sam McGee.

Now Sam McGee was from Tennessee, where the cotton blooms and blows.
Why he left his home in the South to roam 'round the Pole, God only knows.
He was always cold, but the land of gold seemed to hold him like a spell;
Though he'd often say in his homely way that he'd "sooner live in hell".

On a Christmas Day we were mushing our way over the Dawson trail.
Talk of your cold! through the parka's fold it stabbed like a driven nail.
If our eyes we'd close, then the lashes froze till sometimes we couldn't see;
It wasn't much fun, but the only one to whimper was Sam McGee.

And that very night, as we lay packed tight in our robes beneath the snow,
And the dogs were fed, and the stars o'erhead were dancing heel and toe,
He turned to me, and "Cap," says he, "I'll cash in this trip, I guess;
And if I do, I'm asking that you won't refuse my last request."

Well, he seemed so low that I couldn't say no; then he says with a sort of moan:
"It's the cursed cold, and it's got right hold till I'm chilled clean through to the bone.
Yet 'tain't being dead -- it's my awful dread of the icy grave that pains;
So I want you to swear that, foul or fair, you'll cremate my last remains."

A pal's last need is a thing to heed, so I swore I would not fail;
And we started on at the streak of dawn; but God! he looked ghastly pale.
He crouched on the sleigh, and he raved all day of his home in Tennessee;
And before nightfall a corpse was all that was left of Sam McGee.

There wasn't a breath in that land of death, and I hurried, horror-driven,
With a corpse half hid that I couldn't get rid, because of a promise given;
It was lashed to the sleigh, and it seemed to say:
"You may tax your brawn and brains,
But you promised true, and it's up to you to cremate those last remains."

Now a promise made is a debt unpaid, and the trail has its own stern code.
In the days to come, though my lips were dumb, in my heart how I cursed that load.
In the long, long night, by the lone firelight, while the huskies, round in a ring,
Howled out their woes to the homeless snows -- O God! how I loathed the thing.

And every day that quiet clay seemed to heavy and heavier grow;
And on I went, though the dogs were spent and the grub was getting low;
The trail was bad, and I felt half mad, but I swore I would not give in;
And I'd often sing to the hateful thing, and it hearkened with a grin.

Till I came to the marge of Lake Lebarge, and a derelict there lay;
It was jammed in the ice, but I saw in a trice it was called the "Alice May".
And I looked at it, and I thought a bit, and I looked at my frozen chum;
Then "Here," said I, with a sudden cry, "is my cre-ma-tor-eum."

Some planks I tore from the cabin floor, and I lit the boiler fire;
Some coal I found that was lying around, and I heaped the fuel higher;
The flames just soared, and the furnace roared -- such a blaze you seldom see;
And I burrowed a hole in the glowing coal, and I stuffed in Sam McGee.

Then I made a hike, for I didn't like to hear him sizzle so;
And the heavens scowled, and the huskies howled, and the wind began to blow.
It was icy cold, but the hot sweat rolled down my cheeks, and I don't know why;
And the greasy smoke in an inky cloak went streaking down the sky.

I do not know how long in the snow I wrestled with grisly fear;
But the stars came out and they danced about ere again I ventured near;
I was sick with dread, but I bravely said: "I'll just take a peep inside.
I guess he's cooked, and it's time I looked"; . . . then the door I opened wide.

And there sat Sam, looking cool and calm, in the heart of the furnace roar;
And he wore a smile you could see a mile, and he said: "Please close that door.
It's fine in here, but I greatly fear you'll let in the cold and storm --
Since I left Plumtree, down in Tennessee, it's the first time I've been warm."

There are strange things done in the midnight sun
By the men who moil for gold;
The Arctic trails have their secret tales
That would make your blood run cold;
The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,
But the queerest they ever did see
Was that night on the marge of Lake Lebarge
I cremated Sam McGee.

I generally just play size comparison games.When Dennis Nolan
did the BEFORE and AFTER for Yolens transformed
heroine Dove Isabeau he set her image against the same wall in the
witch's tower.Once you get the background of the two pictures matched
up,it's possible to figure out just how big serpent Dove is after her initial
transformation.(about 5 feet from the floor to her shoulder blades)After that
each time she gobbles a knight her size increases by 1X

Hence after 99 knoghts she's 99X bigger then she started as.
Episode 2 Parental Bonding
Danny Phantom television series 2004 season

TF 1 Pauline tf's in the mall

tf 2 Sam Mason tf'd in the girls room in the high school

If people writng stories INSPIRED by the Danny Phantom canon get nailed
and people writing you into the actual episodes tf'd character get called
"Process Trolls" yadda yadda yadda

your contest is doomed

All I did was do a scene description of the events in Parental Bonding
substituting you for Sam Mason and Pauline.
pretty well word for word by the Parental Bonding synopsis

So something like

Phillipe,scrawny Wisconsin nerd had spent the previous month wearing a
bra and panties forced on him by Butch the High School jock.
In desperation he makes a deal that will get him off the hook
if he'll go into the womens clothing store dressed as a girl and
buy a size V yellow T shirt.Just for further humiliation,Butch
force Phillipe to wear this yellow necklace the Costa Rican beauty gave to him
for safekeeping.
Phillipe does as he's told but a girl gets to the only size V yellow T shirt
remaining on the shelf.Phillipe blows his cool,turns into a dragon ghost
and stomps about the mall belowing "I want Teeeeee"
Danny Phantom sails in,clobbers the beast and the necklace
flies off into a bag containing a size V yellow T shirt dropped by a
pancking girl as she ran away from the big blue dragon.Phillipe,
returned to normal finds the bag and lives happily ever after.

2)Phillipa mason is a girl.Not a hir,drag queen or any number of other
weird people out there.Her rival the Costa Rican beauty,has discovered
that wearing tight clinging clothing over her feminine figure has a certain
effect on the boys.She's the Porn Queen of Wisconsin High.
During some Parent Student Teacher dance at the school Delores the
Porn Queen steals away Phillipa Masons heartthrob Danny Phantom.
Theres the inevitable confrontation in the girls room and Delores
gives Phillipa a necklace,telling her it can't help her any because she's
a loser.So whilst Delores walks away behind her Miss P Mason blows
her cool and turns into a ticked off big blue dragoness that keeps
bellowing "shallow Porn girl,shallow Porn girl"
and sails out onto the dance floor carrying the unconscious
Delores in its big meaty forepaws.
(I'll deal with the spelling and grammar issues another day,its late and we'll
be leaving the house soon)

What Your Auntie Never Told
You About Cursed Amulets

By Morwa Lugi Copywrite 2008

It was another day another dollar for gumshoe Phillipe "Dragoniade"
Lusignan.Times were tough,this was the Dirty Thirties.

Parliament had been dissolved and Stephen Mackenzie:
leader of the National Trappers,Farmers and Conservatives
Party,and his estranged older brother Mackenzie King:
leader of the Liberal Party,were duking it out in a bitter
election that had more to do with their family issues
then the worries of the common Canadian.

Into this volatile mix had come Phillipe
Lusignan,who was secretly a distant relative of the
ghostly Dragon Princess Melusina.

A few years back a eccentric Norman
aunt had bequeathed to her nephew a cursed
necklace,the Necklace of Aragorn.Naturally Phillipe
did not realize the Necklace was cursed,and his
dying aunt,whose name was Countess Danielle
Phantome,had her reasons for keeping Phillipe
in the dark on the 'ahem'unusual side effects
the Necklace would have on his mortal form should
it be activated while he wore it.

Now Phillipe had taken a shine to Stephen McKenzies
daughter,the Lady Elidia.He had decided to propose
marriage to her,and give her that junker necklace at the
same time.

Alas,this was not to be.For Stephens brother
Mackenzie had other plans for his brothers daughter.
He had hired Professor Moriarty to kidnap the Lady
Elidia,so that his brother,grief stricken,would
toss the election to get his kidnapped daughter back.

It was Jean Baptiste Day and Professor Moriarty cackled
and rubbed his hands to stay warm in the cold
cockpit of the zeppelin airship he had hired to
kidnap Lady Elidia.

Finding unemployed ex-soldiers to crew the
zeppelin had been fairly easy.The hatred between the
two brothers had seeped into the soul of the nation and
whereas the soldiers had sided with Mackenzie,the
air boys had sided with Stephen.

(As usual,the Quebecois played to whatever party
would give Quebec the biggest cash handout
to the farmers.)

Whilst Phillipe dozed on the job,the Lady Elidia stood
beside her dad whilst the old man slammed his fists hard
on someones camera,smashing it to demonstrate what
a vote to his brother would do to Canada.

The clattering and tinkle of broken glass woke
up Phillipe Lusignan,who immediately reached to
his side for his expensive 1929 Autoflex Otis 100
camera.It wasn't there.

Phillipe looked in the direction of the angrily
shouting Stephen ,just in time to see him take what
was left of Phillipes camera and smash it to flinders
on the pork barrel in front of Lady Elidia.Who shrieked.

Naturally Phillipes shock turned to anger and his
face reddened as he looked at the bits of camera
mirror littering the barrel.

The jewel in the Necklace of Aragorn
that the gumshoe wore under his tattered Sears Roebuck
outfit began to glow.

Before the horrified eyes of the onlooking
trappers and farmers,and especially Lady Elidia
and her dad,the glow from the Necklace spread to
the rest of Phillipe Lusignans body.

His form began to swell,alter and shift as
his skin began to turn blue,green dragons horns
spiralled out of his flattening head and his angry
grey eyes turned into the flaming slitted red orbs
of a ghostly dragon.

Wings burst out of his back,a tail snaked out
and with a
"click zee click zee click zee click zee click zee click zee"
Phillipe had turned into a monstrously huge
dragoness.(That was the curious side effect Auntie
Danielle Phantome had neglected to mention whilst
she lay dying)

This had all been occurring whilst Professor Moriarty
and his zeppelin had been thundering down the
length of Lake Labarge,with mile high towering
cliffs on either side and no maneuvering room.

The evil doers had planned to race into the political
storm raiser,drop a ladder out of the cockpit and have
one of their bravest dangle from the bottom of
the swinging rope as the zeppelin passed over
Stephen McKenzie and the fair Lady Elidia.

So imagine the look of horror and dismay
that came over the dangling aeronaut when he suddenly saw
one of the bystanders beside his target turn into a
roaring ill tempered dragoness spitting out gouts of
flame and acid in the air.

The brave hearty crossed himself when
the beast took notice of him and openned her huge toothy
maw,ready to snatch him off the ladder
that was rapidly approaching her.

The brave but unlucky in choosing his sides
young man closed his eyes and prepared to die.

So he never got to see his lips and the 'lips'
of the dragoness Phillipa Blood-Wurm hurtle at
each another at ninety numbing knots.

However everyone else was all eyes and saw
their lips make contact with a squelching

The astounded onlookers saw the brave hearty pass
through the head and body of the dragoness,taking
with him the Necklace of Aragorn as he passed through

The zeppelin thundered away,and when the brave
young man climbed back up the ladder into the
cockpit on shaky legs,Professor Moriarty took
the interesting supernatural Necklace from him
and noted the name "Phillipa Blood-Worm "
inscribed on the back.

Meanwhile,back on the shores of Lake LaBarge,the
farmers and trappers had watched the huge blue ghostly
dragoness shrink back into the form of her unconscious
hosthillipe Lusignan.

Lady Elidia,sensing the weirdness of the situation
wanted nothing more to do with this weird dude.

Her dad Stephen however,sensing a photo op,pushed
his daughter into the arms of the stirring
Dragon Princess (Wo)Man and stood proudly beside
the two as the flashbulbs began to snap away.


From what I gather the ojibwa/etc language is the
2nd most common in North America.

So assuming there is a native american speaker on the board
the request is for a translation of the word
'dragon'( and possible equivalents such as

snake thunderbird
big snake
scaley thunderbird

into both the common alphabets version
of the chippewa word and or its rending in the
algonkian syllabus form.

( for the rest of us
apparently Norval Morriseau signs his paintings
using that syllabus using his native name
which translates into english as
Copper Thunderbird
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