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Joined: 16/02/2011 03:05:49
Messages: 1

how can i add images and clips?

Joined: 21/11/2013 12:36:26
Messages: 1

I have a full list of screenshots and clips I found

Joined: 04/09/2008 13:24:03
Messages: 44

Haven't a clue.Though I do have a DragonCrypt dvd ( ~ 550mb)
and a Hoare Fang dvd(~250mb) that I try to unload every now and then when
I'm in a community spirited mood.

One thing I learned from the latest exercise in public apathy is to transport
the thing as a .avi file,rather then as individual screencaps.
If the other party has a video editor that can save a .avi as its
component parts,a series of jpeg images,the other side can extract the
screencaps from the .avi file they recieved

As for Dragon Crypt?
A project I devised in early 2006 where I used a charcoal pencil,paper and a
scanner to create a series of cels (about 6 to 16 per run) that could
be put together to assemble simple animations running at 3 - 5 fps

Since it took about 1 minute for that scanner to scan one altered cel,the notion of 'professional
quality' 15 - 30 fps animations wasn't a concept I wasn't touching with a
10 foot pole.

Notion was that others could download my cels,alter them and upload them to a
public domain cel archive so that the tf community could produce its
own animated mini-movies

Earlier this year I revived the idea and repackaged the Dragon Crypt files
into a leaner more organized Hoare Fang.
Main advance this time was I toyed with actually making the
scripts others could use to take the cels and little multisecond animation clips
to assemble a mini-movie.

This one even included the dvd image for the Hoar Fang disk
 Filename hoare fang corrected angle.bmp [Disk] Download
 Filesize 6223 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  2632 time(s)

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