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Transfur new Policy... FAIL!  XML
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Ancient Wyrm

Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil

So Transfur has a new policy, following the suggestion given by the users.
One word about it: FAIL

Wow, 3 new images posted after the new 'relaxed' policy. And what do we get?
Two pictures of a woman fingering herself and one with a huge oversize boner.

Congratulation Transfur! You just opened the door to more porn.
And you wonder what people have so much negative feedback and why you're nicknamed Transporn.

Shame on you. If you wanted to improve your image to the public, by allowing hard porn to be posted, well, you failed. Unless you consider the feedback from a 14 years old important.
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Joined: 04/09/2008 13:24:03
Messages: 44

Impression I have is that the Transfur admin has figured out that the artsts are
incapable of producing advancing tf art anymore.He's got a real life to live,and doesn't
want to waste anymore of his time playing the Quality Nazi when its clear the
TF Art creatives have slipped into reruns.

He's essentially saying "I quit.Do what you like."

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 23/11/2010 15:48:06

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