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Post con and other things  XML
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Ancient Wyrm

Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil

Well, post con summary.
Last week-end, I went to Fur Fright for another year. Ended up in the overflow again. Really, this suck when a con get big enough they need 2 or more overflow hotels. Still, they were all within walking distance ( I still drove though) and the last one was rather inexpensive. Still, when you're at one of the overflow, con tent to be a bit more tiresome as you can't to take a break and rest in your room or you have to carry your stuff all day long.

I'll really plan ahead for next year, reserving a room earlier at the main hotel. Hopefully, I can get at least 2 extra people in it to absorb the cost and I really wish to organize something TF oriented. Maybe a Saturday TF room party.
Still, 2 TF fans roommate would be nice.

In summary, the con was nice. I managed to get 23 sketches done in my sketchbooks and picked up a few year due TF comics from Max Black Rabbit, which he did a great job. Spent some time at panel, but I only found 2 or 3 to be interested or not really far right.

Comus' panel about his book was nice, but I fear the book is going to be more a subjective furry self patting one rather than a objective book about furries if nothing is changed. I mean ok, anthropomorphism is one thing, but the whole 'religious' aspect furries has put on it, the rule of "don't say no to furries" is what give furries a bad look. If you're going to say that furries has porn, just like superheroes fandom or Fantasy fandom, don't forget the extremists furries that don't moderate or draw the line, which other fandom does.

The Kemono panel was very interesting. Bringing the history of Kemono, the anthropomorphism in Japan and taking a neutral view. Sort of reminded me of What the Fur panel about furries. An OBJECTIVE view that take the good and the bad, not a view with pink glasses.

I stumbled on a few TF fan and friends too. Orion-J, Sorethumb, Provolvere, Shuan, Comus, Solidasp, Wfa. Wish there was a more official meeting place for TF fan at the con. I think there seem to be a bit more hidden TF fan at this con too.

On another subject, another drive failed during the week-end I was at the con. The RAID went into degraded mode and was still working but there was some corruption.
And you know what? I'm starting to really, really HATE Linux raid. So far, every single time I end up with a busted disk, the file system would get corrupted to a point of losing files.
Sure, not 100% of the files get lost, but you get a file system that nearly has to be rebuilt from scratch from backup every single time.
At this point, why bother with RAID redundancy, that is supposed to save you time by having the system still working, when you're going to restore everything from backup disks at every failure?

I may as well just put the 5 drives as stand alone disks and backup everything daily in an external disk.
If a disk fail, just restore from the bigger one and that's it.

Also SEVEN left to get the SET!
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