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Ancient Wyrm

Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil

The update is up. This one really took a long time to do, mostly because there were a lot of clips and the show wasn't that interesting. Still, it had some dragon.

So 2 more Yu-Gi-Oh! update.

Regarding further update. I skipped 2 months since the last update. From now on, update are no longer monthly, but as I feel so.

Truth be told, time has taken its toll and I don't feel the magic I once felt working on the site. Lets be truthful, Stonegate is practically KIA. I haven't actively seen him online for years. Some offline AIM message every 6 months but that's it. For the last 5 years, I've been running the show totally alone.

The site is one of the grand-father sites. Not many sites can claim to have been there at the beginning. Not many are still actively updating too. Transfur, CYOC are the only 2 sites I can name that were there a long time ago and still run. Though, some of them suffered from the time too: Tranfur became Transporn and CYOC became a faggotry site.

Still, those 2 sites have something in commons: it's the users that drive the content. The owners are only in charge of hosting and coding. Here, at Shadowlord, I do the coding and I have to provide the content. The hosting is in the hand of someone else, which sort of relieve me of some stress, but still add more as, when something happen, I can't do a single thing about it. It's still a lot of work for a single person, who do everything for free.

No, I haven't lost my love for Transformation. But the online community has taken a very bad direction. All is about porn, porn and more porn. Good transformation, not wank fodder, are getting rare. Transfur get more transporn as it "sell". And new artists sadly seem to take that approach too. A few months ago, for instance, one new artist offered transformations sketch to people. When she started taking commission, she moved to FagAffinity and practically all her work ever since are all bad porn. This is nothing to make things better.

Added to the fact that people are more vocal and expressive toward that kind of content, returns and feedback are pretty low, if not nonexistent. To a point where, when I wanted to work on this update, the question "what's the point of doing this?" often came to my mind.

Until the clouds start to disperse and the sun start to shine again over the TF community, I will keep most of the transformation for myself. Update will still happen, but not as predictable as they were. I'll make myself happy first, the community second. For instance, I do plan to get more TF sketch done for Fur Fright. This will be a change to what I find online. There's much satisfaction there.

I'll post update information and any change of thought at the same usual place:
the site front page and forum;
my deviantART page at http://dragoniade.deviantart.com ;
the Shadowlord Yahoo Group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/shadowlordinccartoonchanges/ ;
my live journal at http://dragoniade.livejournal.com/

So, stay tuned there for more info and active feedback is welcome.
Thanks to the few that gave back support, arts and comments. I really appreciate it, especially the arts

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Joined: 12/02/2009 01:49:53
Messages: 2

I really understand what you mean. As years go I've definitely noticed a change from plain old transformation to a ton of porn everywhere. I am starting to think that this generation will be known for the amount of porn that is searched for and talked about. I really must commend you for updating this site for as long as you did. The amount of dedication and patience you have is truly outstanding. Of course I will be always looking forward to an update, but I understand if you want to slow things down to what you want. I would hate if updating became too much of a burden to you. Many thanks for doing so, though.

Joined: 07/04/2009 16:08:26
Messages: 10

Yeah. It is sad to see that most of the time, people look to TF for porn and stuff. I am also a bit on the guilty side, but I'm more into how the female body changes, I.E. The Ludmilla dragon TF, rather than something getting shoved into her you know what.

Thanks again for your continued dedication to just regular TF , and take your time to do whatever you want on the site. I continue to wait patiently.
Ancient Wyrm

Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil

I always considered porn to be like alcohol.

You can drink a beer or two among friend, that's fine and cool.
But when you drink a beer at breakfast, take two during dinner, then has four for supper before having a flask of Visky before heading to bed, then you have a serious issue.
Sadly, the community sound more like the latest, which is very disheartening.
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Joined: 04/09/2008 13:24:03
Messages: 44

ShadyIMG wrote:Yeah. It is sad to see that most of the time, people look to TF for porn and stuff. I am also a bit on the guilty side, but I'm more into how the female body changes, I.E. The Ludmilla dragon TF, rather than something getting shoved into her you know what.

Thanks again for your continued dedication to just regular TF , and take your time to do whatever you want on the site. I continue to wait patiently.

It's only 'regular tf' if mainstream culture goes along with that notion.
The harsh reality is Dragoniade is working on a website dedicated to 'regular tf'
that mainstream culture didn't buy into.


Joined: 07/04/2009 16:08:26
Messages: 10

Yeah. I got that the first time I read the notice. >>

Joined: 04/09/2008 13:24:03
Messages: 44

doubt it.


over the last week or so CBC radio has been broadcasting the prurient
details of CFB russel williams
who apparently spent his free time breaking into homes and videoing himself running
about in the stolen womens underwear
a situation that led him to rape and murder two woman

basically williams is the
Fetishist from Hell

the thing is a great deal of the tf community is fetish oriented

which means the mainstream culture sees pictures of williams prancing about
in stolen womans underwear,and the tf community is not going to be viewed with
love and affection after the williams affair.

-maybe tf fanbays are baby
Fetishists from Hell?

which means mainstream culture will look upon this site with increasing dislike and hatred over time
whilst the tf fanboys will demand more fetishy stuff

hence the site is doomed in the long run.the mainstream culture
won't support it(more likely seek its destruction)
whilst the tf crowd will keep demanding more fetish stuff that can only make mainstream
culture even more furious towards the site
Ancient Wyrm

Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil

Which is why I promote TF as a non fetish hobbies, as the opposite of fanboys who visit site like CYOC, Transfur, and FagAffinity.

People that goes around and say that they like donkey transformation because they like the penis transformation are the kind of people that give the TF community a bad name.

Sort of the same with furries and those who promote child pornography.
[WWW] [Yahoo!] aim icon [MSN]

Joined: 07/04/2009 16:08:26
Messages: 10

Oh dear. That Russel Williams guy needs to die. Anyways, I do apologize for my first statement after reading what Dragonaide just said, and I don't come here just for "OMG what sexy tf did he post this update?" That's just stupid. As for the rest of the world, I don't know.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 23/10/2010 15:04:43


Joined: 07/09/2009 18:33:21
Messages: 1

I agree. I've found in the past the clean or even somewhat clean tf sites went the way of the dinosaur. There are still some good artists on Devient Art but they are far and few between. I stopped going to CYOC around 2005. I went back their recently and I remembered why I left.

Maybe a few of us who like the 'oldschool' tf should come out of the woodwork and start anew.

Joined: 04/09/2008 13:24:03
Messages: 44

'old school'

if i had to explain why 4-8 year olds can imagine
themselves as another character ) transformation without actual transformation)
i'd say its based on developing a young childs empathy for use in later life

Joined: 04/09/2008 13:24:03
Messages: 44

" I do plan to get more TF sketch done for Fur Fright. This will be a change to what I find online. There's much satisfaction there."

A question to muse over

Who in 2110AD ( a century from now) do you want to possess
those ink and paper (I'll assume) fur fright drawings?
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