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Video thieves  XML
Forum Index » General Discussion
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Ancient Wyrm

Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil

Ok everyone,

I have asked that the video posted here not be reposted on other video site, like You Tube. For that reason, I watermarked my clips.

I guess the message wasn't clear enough. I just noticed that account: http://www.youtube.com/user/kike640jr

That person has been posting the latest update in his section. Of course, leechers are defending that person http://www.metamorphose.org/thread/show.htp?threadid=10638&se0=thread&se1=show

Is it too much to ask to have a bit of respect to those who contribute content? Why do people have to steal all the work of others and try to cash on it. That person sure didn't go through the work of recording the TV broadcast, capturing it to his PC, trimming the video down, encoding it then put it on a website of his own.

He just took the clip away and lazily uploaded it on You Tube. No mention to the original contributor, no link the site. And while I do all the work, leech like him simply get all the positive feedback.

If you notice any transformation video having my watermark, PLEASE, remind the person that this clip was not made by him and he should, at least credit the source and link back to it or otherwise, delete it.
If that person is stubborn, then be stubborn back too. It's people like him that bring back the "Is TF dead" once in a while. It's people like him that make people quit. And it's leech like those who defend him that make everyone keep their work for themselves.

It's going to be a 3 days week-end. I was planning to do extra work on the site, but I think I'll just take those day off instead. I'm getting feed up to having constantly defend my work and getting nothing back in return.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 02/09/2009 20:14:22

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Joined: 07/04/2009 16:08:26
Messages: 10

There'll always be someone who'll ruin all the fun. It's the way the world works unfortunately.

Joined: 16/02/2009 11:39:42
Messages: 11

I just read the 3 page argument and knew that pass what ever his name is wrong. If you read till JYS he even explained more about Canaidian Copyright which is impressing.

Joined: 20/10/2009 01:23:11
Messages: 2

Damn that's frustrating, I'm sorry for you
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