Ancient Wyrm
Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil
Well, I did it... FINALLY.
I got banned from the process. Something I've been trying for some time now. Well, not really banned, but to have my account removed.
I wanted that when, some time ago, Lorekeep messaged me when I reinstalled Trillian asking if I was his friend and why I wasn't talking to him if I had him on his list. The usual pathetic sad kid who want friends and want to be sure his "friends" are watching him.
Well, he didn't like his respond when I said I wasn't and the way he was running his site was partially responsible for it. After leaving the conversation with an angry note, he said he would never remove my account. Strange, since he did when he tried to screw up an artist and she stood against him.
To return to the current story. Well, the process is, as we know, a female TF site that slowly turned into a fanservice fetishist female only site. A site where anyone who even mention the words "male tf" automatically get labeled as gay, stupid, freak and like they're having leprosy. A site where the quality of the content is measured by the breast size of the person transformed, or how few cloth she wears. A few days ago, someone posted, in the "Anything else" section of the site, the only place where mentionning male is permitted, that male TF should be also have a separated section. While maybe 3 persons offered sane response, most of the process good replied with stupid comment as "This is a female only site, buzz of", "Male tf are for gay", "if you want gay TF, go to Dragonaide (sic) site", and stupidity like this.
I guess what finally deserved the ban was when someone, known as TF-Viewer, started to post a bunch of libel and lies regarding me and my site. When I posted my defense, he was in denial of ever contacting me, talking to me, donating or ever having anything to do with the site.
Of course, I knew always has been a lie, since about 4 years ago, he contacted me about a donation. Something he more likely had forgotten, but which I didn't. But since he denied ever contacted me, well, what I was about to post must have been fake. So I posted the info, the name and email associated to the donation.
Strangely, the tune changed right after that. He said he had apologized in the past, than he retracted himself from ever saying I was taking drugs, etc and that he wanted to make peace. Strange for someone who denied everything a post before.
Well, Lorekeep didn't like to have one of his puppet being reprimanded and banned me. He banned me before I could post my reply to TF-Viewier.
Right now, I wonder what lies are being posted again. But one thing for sure, GOOD RIDDANCE. I won.
As for Tf-Viewier, I have no idea if he come here, but here's the reply I was going to post:
Wait? I thought you *said* you never contacted me, never donated, never apologized to me in this, and other, threads. I really must have missed something.
From being attacked left and right by a lot of people, I grew up a though skin. And from hearing apologizes over and over from people who would simply "forget" the week after, I've learn not to take apologizes for granted. So if you're REALLY truthful, it will take more than a plain post in a forum to do that and you know where to contact me. Otherwise, this is just another empty "request for truce" that I get so often.
As for the info, what tell you I didn't "invented" the whole thing? Unless it's real and I hit a cord. As for why I did it, take the example of a big surface store. They're not supposed to disclose the information they have about their customer (right). But if one customer start denying ever going to the same store after he's suspected to have broken something, the store can use the receipt as a proof. If you really mean what you say, I'll remove it. Otherwise, they're just a random generated email and a name taken from the internet. Just as you said.
For the record, one of the person I was mentioning about wanting to make a truce was Soty. Heard he wanted to make peace, never heard a word from him ever.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 25/08/2009 20:44:17