Ancient Wyrm
Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil
Vultures, -noun
a person or thing that preys, esp. greedily or unscrupulously.
Why the definition? Because some have shown their true color. Let me tell you this little similar story.
A man has been offering car polling to some of his coworkers. One day, on the way to work, he unluckly gets 2 flats tires. Of course, there's only 1 spare tire, but luckily, there's garage 2 corners away.
So he asks his co-worker to wait just a little and watch the car while he go grab the spare tire.
The come another co-worker, driving nearby. He stop and tell the other passenger how the other guy is using them to get gas subvention, how he's deliberately not taking care of his car. Of course, he offers them to take the people home, leaving the guy alone to deal with the flats tires.
One person who was too busy listening to his music when the misfortune happened accepted, along with one too lazy to help change the tire. The 'good samaritan' left with the 2 peoples, leaving the car poller to wonder, where did his friends go.
Back at work, the savior bragged how he's offering better car polling to his co-worker.
I dunno about you, but to me, this 'helper' is a vulture. Rather than offer his help, he tooks the opportunity of a mishaps done by someone else to take credit on his behalf.
This little story is close than you imagine.
After years of offering web hosting, Furvect is now the car poller and the vulture is TF-Media.net
For weeks, Furvect staff has been trying to contacts the previous account owners. Some, like the music guys, was not available to listen to the warning or other, didn't wanted to do the effort to send an email.
In the end, the vulture started to look at those being hosted at Furvect, offering them an alternative... of course, taking away the years of visibility those site had thanks to Furvect.
Furvect is not dead of course. All it need is a small move to the new Furvect. Kuma moved fine, we moved fine, Kyouryuu, atolla and a few others moved fine too. So why vulture the other, only to insult afterward Furvect's staff? I'm sorry, but if some of the site haven't been moved, it isn't because Furvect decided that the content wasn't good enough, it's because the people weren't responding or disappeared (doc lab).
I guess it was time for another TF-Central: a site owner claiming to be the 'savior' of Transformation