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Post Mortem: Site downtime  XML
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Ancient Wyrm

Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil

Here's some details about the recent downtime.

When the old site was getting to big for the old server, namely Furvect, its owner bought another machine as a replacement. I sort of discussed with him what we would be needed for the site, and that new machine was sort of the answer. A few weeks before the site was ready, he setup the new servers to which the site is currently running on.

So yes, Process retards, we did move to another server. Just because I'm still working with the Furvect ADMIN doesn't mean I'm on the old Furvect server, bunch of retards.

Which doesn't mean Furvect was out of the loop. The machine was aging BADLY. Even before we moved we could experience various downtime, which were affecting all of Furvect hosted sites (Foxx, Doc, etc). Soon after that we moved, the old Furvect was shut down and the content put into a virtual machine. The reason was to give the current site owners, some of which haven't been heard of in ages, the time to contact the Furvect's administrator in order to give the go to the move and give the new access information.

However, the setup of all those virtual machines left some bugs. One of those bug hit 2 weeks ago and in order to fix thing, require the manual intervention of the server administrator. However, 2 days before, he had to leave out of the country for his work. That left a bunch of people out of the loop has what had happening. No feedback, no on-line presence in over a week (my Trillian is running 24/24 for a reason)... some people started to worries and think of the worse.

But early last week, he got back. We talked about the issue and put the server back on-line. I've been helping him locate the problem with his setup. Hopefully, what was causing the machines not to reboot successfully is now fixed rather than patched.

As for the rest of Furvect, after discussing the issue with him, we may try to migrate all the sites at once and await the feedback from theirs owners, rather than the opposite. This should help put the last nail in the coffin of the old Furvect server, which is sort of nothing more than a zombie right now. And it's sort of difficult to get a sign when there's no response from the site itself, which contains possible contact information.
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