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The Princess and the Frog  XML
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Joined: 08/12/2008 17:03:24
Messages: 5

Disney has thrilled all by going back to its traditional 2D roots and this appears in the form of the new movie "The Princess and the Frog". It's based off of the fairy tale "The Frog Prince", so transformations are to be expected. I'm listing what is known and a few things that are speculation (this might cause slight spoilers, be warned, though most of the certain ones are in the trailer).

1.) The prince (Naveen) is shown being turned into a frog by the witch doctor.

2.) Tiana is turned into a frog after kissing Naveen.

3.) Juju is turned into a dog, a pig, a cow and a goat.

4.) Tiana and Naveen both get turned back into humans at the end.

5.) Naveen's servant (named either Vincent or Lawrence, it's uncertain) apparently masquerades as Naveen for some time with the help of the witch doctor's charm. It's possible that they show the transformation of this. The servant also seems to reject the charm at the end of the movie, so it can be concluded that there's a tf of him turning back.

6.) There is an alligator who has a fondness for playing jazz on the trumpet and who follows the two human/frogs to the good voodoo priestess (who will turn them back). Judging by the fact that he sings a song called "When I'm Human", it can be taken that he wishes to be transformed into a human as well. If this is true, that would be another (note: it's uncertain about the alligator's exact condition, but it seems very unlikely that he was a human turned into an alligator. More likely is the fact that he's just a regular...jazz playing alligator that wants to be human...)

7.) It's possible that Tiana's father James is turned into a frog at some point. This is implied from a test audience review which says that James is turned into a frog. Some believe however that the reviewer mistook Naveen for James.

The trailer can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VimbxQZVHHo

Check 1:01 to 1:03 for a small bit of Naveen being prepared for the spell and 2:13 for the spell starting. Also at 1:58-2:00 is a small clip of Naveen actually turning into the frog and 2:08 seems to show a small bit of the two turning human at the end.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 21/06/2016 05:41:51


Joined: 25/07/2011 08:53:44
Messages: 11

The servant is named Lawrence. The alligator (Louis is his name) does not become a human.

Joined: 06/04/2014 10:16:46
Messages: 114

It was updated yesterday.
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