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What's your least favorite type of transformation  XML
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Joined: 24/06/2020 13:49:19
Messages: 32
Location: Massachusetts

I suppose off-screen would automatically be the worst but I'm talking techniques and to me, its a tie between a dissolve transformation and a warp transformation I think just dissolving is worse because I actually have seen the warp effect done well dissolving just seems lazy to me

Joined: 09/02/2009 00:08:56
Messages: 11

My very very less favorite transformation is when the "creature" burst out of the previous from. Like in Vanhelsing, the werewolf literally rips off the human's body/skin to "get out of the shell". I don't like that!

Joined: 24/06/2020 13:49:19
Messages: 32
Location: Massachusetts

I think transformations like that can work if executed well the lack of blood really hurt the van Helsing transformation
Ancient Wyrm

Joined: 02/09/2008 21:03:21
Messages: 132
Location: Longueuil

Personally, type wise, my least favorite are goo/latex type of transformation.
Most of the time, it's only used to hide the transformation and the details.

It's close to shadow transformation.
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Joined: 24/06/2020 13:49:19
Messages: 32
Location: Massachusetts

So it must suck when you have to add a transformation like that to the site

Joined: 23/10/2008 08:37:07
Messages: 3

A dissolve transformation can be useful if it is used in the right context. Finding the right context for this transformation can be challenging. One way to make the transformation useful is by dissolving a person upon capture and reforming the person once their location has changed.

Joined: 08/09/2021 13:44:03
Messages: 11

GeltyDrake wrote:My very very less favorite transformation is when the "creature" burst out of the previous from. Like in Vanhelsing, the werewolf literally rips off the human's body/skin to "get out of the shell". I don't like that!

Didn't know you were here; happy to see you, Gelty! ^^

I'm in the same camp as well with this; I always liked traditional transformations with werewolves, the slow-burn and gradual increase in size, body-shape, and so on. The way they did that in that movie always unnerved me.

I can't really comment on my least favorite 'type' without repeating what others have said, though I can certainly go at length about TFs into things I've never was particularly fond of. (i.e. Spongebob becoming Gary)
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