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Question About a Certain Clip  XML
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Joined: 08/09/2021 13:44:03
Messages: 10


This clip sounds so different than the versions I've been able to find online. I recently went on reddit for assistance and some people have suspected it's from a foreign dub or maybe someone recorded/dubbed over it themselves.

It just sounds so... odd. Would anyone know or maybe could help me remember the source and see if it's from a unique variant from this Casper episode?


EDIT: https://youtu.be/ehvZaFq3s1Q?t=218 - here's the one on youtube for comparison. Sneezes is more drawn out from the original VA.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 10/09/2021 01:36:04


Joined: 08/09/2021 13:44:03
Messages: 10

no luck i suppose? ah well
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