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Joined: 04/09/2008 13:24:03
Messages: 44

As much as I'd love to create quality videos Youtube experience
has shown me its not worth wearing out the capital equipment to
do so.Hence I generally just use a digital camera with 800 x 600
resolution to photograph about 4 storyboards per episode.(takes
about one minute with the camera and about 15-30 minutes if I use the
aging 7 year old scanner)

Obviously the
number of eyeballs and commentary will drop of the cliff but the
only other sure way to nail eyeballs on Youtube is to 'pimp' the
creation by using a juicy come on in the text blurb that accompanies
the upload.

These days with a World Great Depression 2 a very real possibility
I think people will have to apply more economic thinking to their
creaticity.Being popular in the furry/tf community is nice but ultimately
won't put food on the table or provide a warm fuzzy feeling.

(The story
Earth mid 20th century never developed electrical or electronic
devices.Basically gritty Victorian London parked in the 20th
century.The aliens really needed to talk to the Earthling and commandeered
Humphrey Bogarts trash hauling starship to make the run.Just before
the final approach the rebels snuck aboard and sabatoged the ship.
Humphrey managed to get the 'African Queen" down but the rebels
than proceeded to mess up 'First Contact' with the Earthlings.The tf
component is called the Squavo,a Gollem phantom snakes inhabit to
meander about in the flesh and blood dimension.(bodyswap
rather then a actual tf of the host.)
(and quick notes on the Danny Phantom dragon tf clips
the voice actor who did the Sam Mason's father also does the Dragon
Prisoners of Love and Parental Bonding reversion tf at beginning use the same cels,but in reverse order
There is order to the appearances of the dragon ghost
Parental Bonding Prisoners of Love,Beauty Marked,The Ghost King episode
and one with that 50's nerd
Basically theres a sub arc plotline in the bigger overall story arc that connects all the episodes with the
dragon ghost in them
Butch Hartmann did not just sprinkle in random appearances of the dragon ghost)
[Thumb - Fun in the Docking Bay 003.jpg]
 Filename Fun in the Docking Bay 003.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description Steam Bolt zaps overhead as startled bug-taur notices the Earthlings
 Filesize 60 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  2710 time(s)

[Thumb - Fun in the Docking Bay 002.jpg]
 Filename Fun in the Docking Bay 002.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description Greeting the Peoples Freedom Fighter
 Filesize 70 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  2684 time(s)

[Thumb - 05 ed the dealer 23.jpg]
 Filename 05 ed the dealer 23.jpg [Disk] Download
 Description comparison scanned image Theran SQUAVO gets the drop on a baddie holing a steam bolt
 Filesize 57 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  2712 time(s)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 23/04/2009 17:06:04

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